
So why Melody Matilda?

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Well Melody for me of course and Matilda for the sweetest, tiniest little white poodle who lived with my family for about 13 years.  I adore all the dogs who have come into my life but little Matilda was very special as she came into my life when the entire family was going through really tough times.
My youngest son was very ill for a number of years, it was frightening, stressful and heart breaking, and it put a huge amount of pressure on everyone.  At times I felt very alone as I struggled to take on much of the burden myself, hoping to make life easier for the other family members.  But then this sorrow and sense of loneliness was greatly diminished when a little bundle of happiness bounced into my life.  Weighing less than 2 kilos but so full of love and life, Matilda was my devoted little baby for many years.  She died of heart failure while I cradled her in my arms and I will love her forever and always.
A year later my darling little Essie died... she was very special too
but never fear as I now have my dear little Belly Button, Pippi and Maxie to share my life
See you later


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